China to establish long-term mechanism for handling irregularities in business-related charges
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E-mail Xinhua, 08 08, 2019
BEIJING, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- China will establish a long-termmechanism for handling business-related charges that are against theregulations, an official has said.
Gan Lin, deputy chief of the State Administration for MarketRegulation, said at a press conference that a recent circular called forself-examination and self-correction among all related authorities.
Both central and local governments should enhance the disclosure offee-charging procedures to ensure open and transparent charging on firmsand strengthen social supervision, according to the circular.
Meanwhile, it stressed that efforts in regulating fees on companiesmust be integrated with the reforms to streamline administration,delegate powers and improve regulation and services.
The country will also establish a safeguard and evaluation mechanismfor fee-charging management, boosting information sharing and reducingthe costs of right protection for companies.
China has made remarkable progress in cracking down onbusiness-related charges violating regulations, with 620 million yuan(about 89.56 million U.S. dollars) of such charges investigated andhandled in a nationwide inspection last year, Gan said.