Cuban ambassador to China: B&R is a new way of globalization
- Liu Mengya, Yeerken, Sanna Selene D.
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E-mail, 02 12, 2018 Cultural exchanges are the bond between the peoples of the two countries. Over the years, we have conducted a wealth of exchange events. From your perspective, how should the two sides expand cultural exchanges so that Sino-Cuban friendship can be passed on from generation to generation?
Miguel Angel Ramirez Ramos: I have to mention that Cuba was the first country in the western hemisphere to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1960. Cuba was also the first Spanish-speaking country that accepted Chinese people to study Spanish. So since the 1960s we have already established cooperation with China in the area of language. We have established cultural cooperation agreements for many years. We have had a lot of exchanges in the area of theatrical and circus exchanges. Every year we have a troupe in the month of June when we celebrate the anniversary of those Chinese who travelled to Cuba. They integrated in our nationality; they became part of our nation. So the interaction with the Chinese culture is not just between two nations, it’s also within our own nation itself.
When you go to Santiago, you take part in the Carnival. The most important feature is the Chinese trumpet that is played during the Carnival. When you go to a restaurant in Havana, you will see Chinese food as a traditional, normal food of the Cuban people. So it’s almost natural that we continue to strengthen our cultural ties with China.
In the 1990s, our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro carried out a program for more than 3,000 Chinese students to study in Cuba, not only Spanish but medicine and other careers, and also strengthen the bonds between both countries.
Nowadays, on February 2, the [27th] International Book Fair started in Havana. It is a yearly event, the most important cultural event that takes place in Cuba every year, and this year it is dedicated to China. It is the guest of honor. More than two hundred Chinese officials, writers and entrepreneurs are in Havana at this moment. More than 2 million books are being exposed in the exposition and being sold to the population. A cultural gala will start tomorrow (refers to February 3 – the Editor) in the most prestigious theatre, Alicia Alonso Theatre, with the Chinese Gala that will celebrate both the International Book Fair and the Lunar New Year in Havana. A lot of exchanges have been carried out. We have had the national ballet, the contemporary dance in China. We have had painting exhibitions here. In Havana, every year we have a band or a cultural group. In 2018 we expect to bring again the Cuban National Ballet as well as an important painting exhibition that is called “The Longest Trip” which refers to a Chinese phrase saying that the longest trip starts with a small step.