Association established to promote Taiwan business participation in Belt
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E-mail Xinhua, January 22, 2017
TAIPEI, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- A special association to attract Taiwanese businesses to projects under the Belt and Road Initiative was established in Taiwan on Friday.
The B &R Taiwan Economic Association will "identify and share opportunities for Taiwanese entrepreneurs."
The association is chaired by Philip Wang, former head of the island's biggest radio station and a senior member of the Kuomintang Party.
The Belt and Road Initiative covers more than 60 countries and regions with over 60 percent of the global population, offering enormous opportunities, said Wang.
"The mainland has said many times that Taiwanese are welcome to participate in projects under the initiative," he said, however, many Taiwanese companies say the current administration is not making the process transparent.
This non-profit association has been designed to help Taiwan enterprises, especially the medium and small ones, to participate in the initiative and connect with potential cooperators around the world.
The association's member Stanley Tsai, manager of a logistics company based in Taiwan, said he is interested in opportunities in central Asia and even Europe.
Through the railways built under the Belt and Road Initiative, which connect Asia and Europe, goods could be transported from the mainland's western regions to Europe in less than 20 days, compared with about 28 days from Taiwan, saving time and money, Tsai said.
Taiwanese companies have advantages in personnel, experience and technology, which can make them complementary to their mainland counterparts that own markets and funds, achieving mutual benefits, Wang said.
He also added that via the initiative, the mainland and Taiwan can together promote Chinese culture worldwide.